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Cindy是一位來自台灣的化妝師, 每次當他看到女生在化妝前及化妝後的差異, 在化妝後整個變漂亮有氣質的樣子, 而女孩本身也因為自己的變化, 跟著提升起來的自信心和快樂的差異,尤其是新娘部份, 可以在別人的一生當中最重要的日子, 扮演一個重要的角色,這是一份多麼偉大多麼有成就感的工作.也讓我更肯定了化妝這份工作的重要性.
Cindy is a makeup artist come from Taiwan. When she saw women before and after makeup their difference look. After makeup the woman become beauty. They feel the difference look change by themselves. They will get more happy and Self-confidence. Specially. The part of bride. If you can does something for someone and to do a very important work in most important time of their life. Let me feel this is a very great and Sense of accomplishment job. So Let me decide to want to do this Job very much.
在台灣的新娘化妝師,有著一個稱呼” bride secretary”, 這份工作打理著新娘在結婚的一切工作,從穿衣,整體造型及配件(頭紗,頭飾,項鍊…..)換裝,換髮型,補妝全部一整個流程都由bride secretary打理,宴客方面一般的新娘都會有三個造型,進場一個,敬酒一個,送客一個,讓她們的每一位在婚禮上的朋友和親友們都能驚艷到新娘的美艷,這也讓已經在籌辦婚禮方面非常忙碌的新娘,可以在他們婚禮當天專心的enjoy她們的婚禮,保持最完美的狀態,開開心心的當個漂漂亮亮的新娘.也很希望在這裡的新娘有機會可以有一樣服務的婚禮.所以希望大大們能夠給我機會,讓我也可以在你們人生最重要的日子裡一起留下美好的回憶.
The makeup artist for bride is in Taiwan. We call them “Bride Secretary”. They are very professional to service for bride. This job is helping bride to do anything on their wedding date. These are including makeup, hair, style, wearing and changing dresses, and touch-up, to prepare accessories (Hair accessories, necklace, earring, and tiara). The culture is in Taiwanese wedding . The bride needs to change 3 dresses and hair style. The one is on ceremony, one is on party. And one is on the guests leaving time. Why the brides change the style? Because they want let the guests surprise how beautiful and difference is the bride. The brides don’t need worry any thing about their wedding. Just keep the most perfect look to be wonderful brides. And enjoy their happy wedding. Hope the bride in there to get a same and good service like them. And hope I have a chance to service for everyone. Let we make wonderful memories in most important time of your life together.