我也很想在自己的婚禮上, 和另一伴交換屬於我們自己的誓言. 所以可能找一位我們都認識的長輩來主持儀式.
下面有一些例子, 但怕翻得不夠信達雅, 就直接從theknot點com 偷貼過來了, 希望不會被發現. 只是希望能給妳些靈感. 還有很多相關文章, 妳可以過去看看.
Amy & Stephen -- April 27, 1996
Amy and Stephen exchanged the vows they had written as they exchanged rings.
Stephen/Amy: You are my beloved and my friend. This ring is a symbol of our union, a token of my faith and love. I give it and myself to you with all my heart.
Catherine & Paul -- July 11, 1998
Catherine and Paul wrote vows that their minister asked each of them.
Minister: Paul/Catherine, do you here in the presence of these witnesses declare your commitment to Catherine/Paul and choose her/him as the one with whom you wish to spend the rest of your life? Do you give yourself to her/him and accept the gift of self, which she/he gives to you? Do you pledge to endure all of the difficulties which life may offer, even as you look forward to sharing the joys to be experienced together? Do you promise to share the responsibility for growth and enrichment of your life together? (Catherine/Paul replies)
Nancy & Jason -- June 5, 1999
Jason and Nancy wrote questions for their minister to ask each of them, and vows for each to say to the other.
Minister: Do you, Jason, take Nancy as your wife, joining with her today in spirit, offering your friendship and loving care? Do you promise to honor her growth and freedom as well as your own, to cherish and respect her, to love and embrace her in times of challenge as well as times of joy? If so, now say I do.
Jason: Nancy, I choose you to be my partner in love and in life. I promise to nurture you -- body, mind, and spirit. I will laugh and cry with you. I will always stand by you. Will you be my wife? (Nancy replies)
Minister: Do you, Nancy, take Jason as your husband, joining with him today in spirit? Do you promise to care for him and share with him, to love him and learn from him, to laugh with him and listen to him? To grow with him? If so, now say, I do.
Nancy: Jason, I love and respect you. I will comfort, support, and uplift you. I will honor your spirit for the rest of my days. Will you be my husband? (Jason replies)
Robin & Adam -- June 14, 1998
For their vows, Robin and Adam read the text of their ketubah, the Jewish marriage contract, which they wrote based on the traditional model:
Be my wife/husband according to the tradition of Moses and the people of Israel. I take you to be mine in love and friendship. I will nourish, respect, and support you with integrity and faithfulness. We stand under the Huppah before family and friends to make a mutual covenant, becoming partners in marriage -- loving and supportive companions in life. Together we will build a home, part of the community of Israel, guided by a reverence for the Divine and laws, traditions, and ethics of our people. The symbols and rituals we cherish will forge a link to our heritage, a bond strengthened by learning, involvement, and acts of loving-kindness. Should we be blessed to raise children, we will give them a loving home and share with them a deep appreciation for our history and culture. We will be linked eternally to the history of our ancestors and the future of the Jewish people. We, as beloveds and friends, will develop our lives individually and together, responsible to and for each other. We will fill our lives with laughter and affection. We will encourage each other's music and writing. Together, we will support each other's intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and creative fulfillment. We declare that just as this is a permanent joining of our two lives, so it also constitutes a joining of material substance and worth. Through marriage we assume the responsibility to support each other and our family. If we should part, we promise to act with concern and compassion for the physical, economic, and emotional needs of each other and those whose lives are intertwined with ours. Joyfully we enter into this covenant of marriage and we solemnly accept its obligations. It is valid and binding.
Katherine & Kenneth -- June 15, 1996
Katherine and Kenneth wrote their own shared vows, as well as separate passages, to express their individual feelings to each other.
I, Kenneth/Katherine, take you, Katherine/Kenneth, to be my lawful wedded wife/husband, to be my friend, my lover, and the mother/father of my children. I will be yours in times of plenty and in times of want, in times of sickness and in times of health, in times of joy and in times of sorrow, in times of failure and in times of triumph. I promise to cherish and respect you, to care and protect you, to comfort and encourage you, and stay with you, for all eternity.
Kenneth: Although we have lived together, it has not been enough. Today I choose to make a deeper commitment to you. It is my way of telling you that our experiences together have been so good that I want them to continue for the rest of my life. I loved you before this ceremony and I love you more because of it. You are everything I ever hoped to find in a partner. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I promise to be the best person I can be so that our lifetime together will be one of happiness and growth.
Katherine: I do not ask you to fulfill all my dreams, I only ask that you share them with me and allow me to share your dreams with you. I promise to do all in my power to keep our love as fresh and strong as it is today. I promise to be a true and loyal friend to you. I will try to be worthy of your love and trust. I will love you for today and for all of our tomorrows. From this day forward, I will walk beside you.
Cathy & Larry -- May 11, 1996
Cathy and Larry wrote simple vows that expressed their trust and devotion for each other.
I, Larry/Cathy,
take you, Cathy/Larry,
to be no other than yourself
loving what I know of you
trusting what I do not yet know
with respect for your integrity
and faith in your love for me
through all our years
and in all that life may bring us.
Sandra & Greg -- March 4, 1995
Sandra and Greg wrote vows that declared their hope for a relationship built on respect and honesty.
I want to create with you a living example of the beautiful relationship that is intended between a man and a woman. I commit my life to our partnership in marriage. I promise to express my thoughts and emotions to you, to speak openly and honestly, to listen to you, and to maintain the respect and trust that has grown between us. You are my lover, my teacher, my model, my accomplice, and my true counterpart. I will love you, hold you, and honor you, respect you, encourage you, and cherish you, in health and in sickness, through sorrow and success, for all the days of my life.
Lori & Stan -- July 20, 1996
Lori and Stan embellished traditional vows with their own promises of equality and partnership.
I, Lori/Stan
take you, Stan/Lori,
to be my husband/wife,
in equal love
as a mirror for my true Self
as a partner on my path
to honor and to cherish
in sorrow and in joy
'til death do us part.
Kim & Tom -- June 13, 1998
Kim's and Tom's original vows pledged unending friendship and love.
Kim/Tom, you are my best friend and the one I want to share my life with.
I will love you forever, and under all circumstances.
I will stand by you always.
I will have faith in you and encourage you in everything you do.
I will be here to listen to you, to laugh with you, and to hold you.
I will work with you as we build a life together,
And I will support you as you live your own independent life.
I will strive every day to make our relationship stronger.
I will be your friend, your love, and your partner for all the days of our lives.