Pape say: Got up at about 4am this morning to see the hot air ballons. Had to go and get Wasabi, and when I got there, I though that sje was still asleep. So I called her, but she didn't answer the first time, so I really though that she was still asleep~oh No~Was very happy that she answered the second time and came out of the house immediately.
Wasabi say: Anyhow, we went to Parramatta Park to watch the rise of about 10 hot air ballons for the celebration of Australia's Day. It was very nice, though the weather was very cold~we had breakfast there and walked back to Pape's place.Fall asleep once we got to Pape's place, got up too early, and now too tired~We are going back this afternoon, that is if we still have energy, and see the rest celebrations.