you can ask for Vivian and see if she is available. a friend of mine introduced us. she is pretty helpful to me. i got married in mid-March. so if you tell her my name, she should remember.
overall i liked the service they provided. they are professional and thoughtful, which is what i cared for in a service. however, business is business lo... so try to tell them what is exactly that you want in your wedding, and see how they can match your needs. as sales people, they sure have their "Dos" and "Don'ts", but i believe there is always room for negoitation lo~
we did all the wedding preparation by ourselves, including deciding on the hotel. it turned out that my parents and my parent-in-laws enjoyed a lot in the banquet. so did our young guests on the second day buffet banquet. to conclude, 在不同城市流浪過的我們覺得西華的服務很專業而貼心就是了 服務人員和室內設計裝潢都有她該有的水準
if you need any other info, i'll be happy to share my experience.