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大聘 and 小聘
Please tell me how much 大聘 and 小聘 is better. My friend's 小聘 is NT60000 but my mom said its not enough cause her student got NT200000 for 小聘. My mom didn't said how much she wants but she said if my boyfriend really love me he will give more. Is it? My boyfriend born in USA so he doesnt know those 禮俗. Please help me! Thanks a lot!
Please tell me how much 大聘 and 小聘 is better. My friend's 小聘 is NT60000 but my mom said its not enough cause her student got NT200000 for 小聘. My mom didn't said how much she wants but she said if my boyfriend really love me he will give more. Is it? My boyfriend born in USA so he doesnt know those 禮俗. Please help me! Thanks a lot!