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Pape start his new job today...I hope that everything went fine...Can't see him today, the whole apartment feels so lonely ne...

It is raining hard this afternoon, and I got wet wet wet!!! Went to got a pair of new shoes, and somethings to treat Pape~~~

Want to see you soon Pape!!!
So, 16th Feb 2003. Is this another protest people wondering around and trying to find someone to shag with? Hm...I think so, MAKE LOVE NOT WAR! Yeah, and most of you naive people don't understand the whole situation, yell and scream, do what ever you like, but protest isn't the smartest way to go aginast war...try to use more strategic way!!!
Hello to all!

WasABi had a really nice time with Pape this afternoon. As usual, Pape came and gave me 10 roses...oh, how sweet and WasABi got him a CD that he wanted. It was very hot today, but we managed to survive this V Day, had a lovely Pinky Heart Shaped lamington and some ice-cream...

Love Pape forever...
Hm...Pape is a little serious on the way home today...I worry if he have something important that he want to tell me...but he just smiled and say that he love me very very much and cuddled me very very hard...sometimes I feel embrassed because a lots of people are looking at us...such a sweet young couple...huhuh~haha!

Anyhow, we went to Chastwood to make cloth exchange today, and hang around Chastwood for a while then went to TownHall to Kinokuniya...got some books and went home...I wish I cam stay with Pape longer...because he is such a sweet person...can't say more...he is just he la...I love Pape!
Last night, when I was trying to have a happily dinner, while thinking that Pape have got a job, my mother and sister start to fire on me about my future, that we should do this, do that, and do what ever they said, I was so depressed that I broke down hysterically.

This morning, at around 4.50am, I went to Pape's place, becuase I just could not bare to stay there and put up the crap that my my family is getting on me. I had a better sleep with Pape, and went to see "One Hour Photo" then borrowed some DVD from the library. Over all, I love being with Pape, becuase he treats me with repsect and understanding...

I love you Pape!