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這兩天買了蘭花 還有一些花園的盆栽! 常收到花的我 倒是沒啥概念要如何種這些花花草草 不過我已經立下小志~~ 今天買的庭園盆栽 至少要活一個月!! 明天會去圖書館找資料 要如何種養殖蘭花! 你們千萬不要死在我的手下!
昨天終於把所有的文件都寄出去了! 感謝所有網友的幫忙. 現在終於有自己的時間 ㄚㄚ ~~ HAPPY!!
I don't want to see these application forms on my desk. He seems doesn't care about it after all. why i have to wait paiently? Why he is not the one who filling all the paper work. :-( Am i too hurry to get thining don? I wait for 20 days to get these paper work done. Headach!!