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This morning, while I was at Pape's place...rain, then sunny, then rain, than windy, sunny, rain!Aiya!Strange weather!

Went to Parra to have a very late lunch with Pape. Had pizza at the Church place...oh...have not been there for a long time! Pizza is still very nice!!!

I have posted more pictures on my photo album, please visit!
Oh, weekend is finally here...tired!!! I hope that Pape's induction week has been fine.

Rainy day today, I guess all of that drought, we finally need some rain to clear up our water system.

Nothing special lately, slept in today, almost missed the train...Oh, still sleepy~ZZZZzzzz~
Because I will see Pape this afternoon...And finally tomorrow is Friday~Aiya, so tired, and so hot today!!!
Hm...I am tired from work again~
Pape came and see me yesterday evening, which made me really really happy :) Yesterday was our 20th Month anniversary, I am happy that he made the effort to meet me after work...I know that he is tired too...Pape, Work Hard! And I love you heaps~!!!
Oh, tired from work...and miss Pape. Silly Pape, lazy Pape...never consider about me...!!! :( Just himself himself...!!!