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We end up at Kathrine's place with the kids running hyper-actively around us....hahaha~they are just so cute aren't they? Girls had our talks...DanDan complained about her relationship, how she is thinking to giving it up...Well...I really don't know what to say though, coz I am in such a nice relationship with dearest Pape~

After that, we went to Castle Tower, had light lunch and some shopping, at the end of the day, Karin drove me home.

Afterall, it was a nice day...hope can meet up with the girls soon~
Today, went to uni in the morning to borrow some books. The train was late...actually, the indicator was wrong and I was SOOOOOO pissed!!!! Real PISSED!!! That made Pape late again today~aiya!!!

Anyhow, after went to uni, I rush back to Carlingford to meet Karin, who kindly picked me up from the station, we went to return her DVDS' and went to her place to meet up with Ms DanDan. Karin complained about Ms Lily, and other things...funny~and made me feel that girl is so un-friendly~

Hm...how should I start~

Good Friday, made a batch of heart cookies with the help from my dear(Yeah right) sister. Then had a walk with Pape in the late afternoon...Rain all the way through the weekend, went to the Harberfield chocolate factory...and had very very nice Italian coffee there!!!

On Sunday, went to see "Johnny English" With Pape...still raining...so funny~I mean the movie~Then today...last day of public holiday...slept in with Pape and went to roller-skate at near-by park~

Oh...went to marry Pape soon!
Sometimes, I wonder what the word "LOVE" is...When I start not to watch Japanese drama, I suddenly know what it should mean. However, I should not give up my freedom for love, or should I just let it go, liberate myself, and free fall into the world?
I had a lots replies from the girls here. I am happy to see some people have gave me some encouragements...

Just today, when we finish shopping for a week's groceries, we carried it all the way from supermarket, to the train, caugh the train, then walked home. Although that I don't live with Pape, and sometimes I feel tired doing this...without a car~but I kept telling myself that because I love this man...so I am willing to do this...I am willing to fight for our love and willing to take care of him.....for the rea\st of our life~

Pape, as long as we are together, there is nothing impossible!PS(can you carry the baby? :P )